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cuddles to go

Originally posted on October 29th 2017

Any inventory for expectant parents will include a pram or pushchair…. unless you’re a Wheelie Momma, in which case another set of wheels to negotiate is the last thing you need! Even less so for my other half who already has arms like Popeye from pushing my growing mass around in my wheelchair while I was pregnant. Similar to Mark Darcy telling the pregnant Bridget Jones she was “immense” as he carries her to hospital; just nowhere nearly as romantic (but every bit as funny).

In true Wheelie Momma style I began to research alternatives to prams for carrying Starfish before he was born and I was introduced to the amazing, cuddly world of baby slings and carriers. I’ve since lost count of the many hours I’ve spent drooling over the vast array of different types of carrier, not to mention the exquisite fabrics and stunning designs and patterns.

We were fortunate in that there is an amazing lady, Beth; who is a baby carrying consultant and has a shop near us. I made an appointment with her during my pregnancy and she was superb in going through all the different types of carrier with us to find options that would suit both our needs and our budget.

We opted for a “stretchy sling” and a “ring sling” both have different benefits and distinct characteristics but essentially they both allow you to “wear” your baby acting as a type of kangaroo style pouch.

The slings have been such a revelation for us. I can put one on (especially the stretchy wrap) in the morning when I’m getting dressed and can keep it on all day if necessary. It’s not bulky or awkward and just looks like a shawl or scarf. There’s a bit of a knack to wrapping it at first but under the consultant’s expert guidance we got some practice in advance and we soon got the hang of it.

The slings mean that even as a newborn, when we went out and about in my chair, Starfish was safe, secure and snug in on my chest and I had full use of both my hands for other tasks. Starfish loves them as he is close to me at all times and can enjoy skin to skin contact and hear my heartbeat similar to in the womb. This helps him sleep when out, he’s less windy in that upright position and the skin to skin helps keep his temperature and heart rate regulated. As well as this, my arms don’t get tired, I can shop, eat or drink and all while getting squishy cuddles on the move. What’s not to love? I can even feed Starfish in the carriers and they act as a cover too so we don’t feel too exposed..

Starfish loves sling cuddles with his Daddy too and it’s been a great conversation piece with people stopping them in coffee shops to ask more about the sling and how it works etc. This of course opens the way for the proud Dad to show off his first born at the same time.

So far we have 3 carriers in our collection and I already have my eye on a few more when Starfish outgrows the stretchy. (or when I find the best pattern to match my favourite outfit, whichever is sooner!) Best of all, even if I was to buy a different carrier for every week of the year, I’d still spend considerably less than the cost of the average pram, some of which are more expensive than a decent second hand car!

The perks of being a Wheelie Momma

For information on the different carriers available, to purchase your own or book a consultation visit If you speak to Beth, tell her Wheelie Momma sent you and she will look after you very well x