Originally posted on October 26th 2016
I sat on the edge of my bed sobbing down the phone to my mum. “I’ve only slept an hour in total over the last 2 nights and that was sitting in a chair because every time I try to lie down flat I throw up”. Getting out of bed and sitting upright was the only relief I could get (and the only chance hubby had of getting some sleep without me trashing through the bed like a harpooned whale.
Mum told me about a friend of hers who had recently set up a business, Tully Holistics, doing alternative therapies, one of which is Bio Energy healing. She suggested I give her a call to find out more about it. I’m open minded when it comes to alternative therapies like acupuncture or reflexology but I couldn’t possibly fathom how they could help lift me from HG hell. That said, if she’d told me to stand on my head, dangle my feet out the window and sing the wheels on the bus, I’d have given it a shot. That’s painted a crazy mental image, right?
Anyway, I called Kathy and explained my tale of woe. I didn’t have to go into too much detail as she assured me that she had been through exactly the same with her first pregnancy and that the sickness only lifted when she gave birth. She had the same experience second time round but this time she had bio energy healing early on. She explained that during a session she felt the sickness lift in the way that only delivering her baby had done previously.
I almost cried there and then on the phone. Not just because it was so nice to speak to someone who I knew really understood but also because I dared to hope that the end could be in sight. I made an appointment for a session later that evening and sat with my head in a bucket (literally) counting doing the time.
It’s hard to describe bio energy healing. Put simply it taps into the body’s’ energy system and ability to heal itself. I had a momentary panic attack on the journey to my session thinking “oh no! What if I have to strip off?” But here’s the clever part, Kathy barely even touched me during the entire session! For most of it I had my eyes closed so I can’t tell you a lot about how it works, but what I can tell you is, IT WORKS! Bio energy healing works for all kinds of illnesses or ailments, whether you believe in it or are, like I was sceptical. Other Tully Holistics success storing include successful treatment of fertility problems, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, asthma and depression.
That night, when I got home I was sick once more (which I was told could happen as the sickness and toxins left my body) shortly after this I felt a strange but somewhat familiar feeling and I realised I’d not experienced it for weeks if not months…. it was hunger, I was starving.
Moments later I sat devouring the most delicious meal I’d ever tasted, mash and beans and here’s the best part… it stayed down!
After one session my sickness disappeared. The second one gave me the best night sleep I’d had since becoming pregnant and by the third one I felt fantastic and went on to my thoroughly enjoy the last trimester of my pregnancy, despite the swollen feet and crazy heartburn that saw me guzzling 2 large bottles of gaviscon each week.
For more information on bio energy healing or the other fantastic therapies available at the amazing Kathy Watters visit https://www.kathywatters.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kathywatterscoach/
As I said, even if you don’t believe it will work for you, or as a last resort, give it a try. I promise, you’ll be amazed!
Wheelie Momma